Russian For Beginners

5 Best Writing Activities for Beginners in Russian

5 Best Writing Activities For Russian Language Learning Russian is one of the most challenging languages to learn. So, if you want to become fluent in Russian, use this handy guide on the best writing activities for beginners in Russian to help you reach your goals.  How to start writing in Russian? The difficulty of […]

Russian For Beginners

Russian Alphabet – Discover How to Read Russian Letters

Russian Alphabet To read and speak Russian, you will first need to understand Russian alphabet. Russian writing and Russian script are usually the first topics to study for beginners in Russian. Russian alphabet may seem way too different from English, but don’t feel overwhelmed. You will soon notice that many Russian letters resemble Latin script. […]

Russian For Beginners

Russian Letters with Accents + 10 Ways to Type Them

How to write accent marks over Russian letters? Need to write Russian letters with accents? For a quick solution, just copy-paste them from here: А́ Е́ И́ О́ У́ Ы́ Э́ Ю́ Я́ á é и́ ó у́ ы́ э́ я́ ю́ If you type a lot in Russian and absolutely need to put accent […]

Russian For Beginners

Main differences between Russian and English – Your Russian language guide

What are the main differences between Russian and English languages? Learning Russian may seem like a daunting task. But is Russian so difficult? Not really! It’s just different, it requires a switch in your mindset. Some areas are even easier than English. However, an unfamiliarity with Russian culture makes many foreigners believe that Russian is […]

Russian For Beginners

Russian Numbers – Count in Russian from 1 to 1000 like a pro!

Russian Numbers – Cardinal Numbers Cardinal numbers answer the question how much? / сколько? Russian cardinal numbers from 1 to 10 1️⃣=один 2️⃣=два 3️⃣=три 4️⃣=четыре 5️⃣=пять 6️⃣=шесть 7️⃣=семь 8️⃣=восемь 9️⃣=девять 🔟=десять Listen to the pronunciation! Russian cardinal numbers from 11 to 19 are formed by adding the root of the initial number + Old Slavic version […]